Splashing Fun!
Poolside, beachside, any sort of waterside can be lots and lots of fun, and provide the best memories for your children. As fun as a day splashing around is, it can begin to lose its spunk and we crave some ways to change it up.
The first and most important way to have fun in the sun is to NOT GET BURNT! Our favorite way to remember that is to "SLIP SLOP SLAP"
Slip on sun protective clothing. This is the best way to protect your skin from the sun. At Elly our swimwear has a UPF of 50, which provides your skin with the ultimate protection, blocking the UV rays from coming through your fabric. Shop our beautiful kids collection to keep your skin happy and safe.
Slop on the sunscreen! Slop and slop and slop again! You can never apply too much sunscreen. Go to the drug store and stock up on the strongest SPF around to keep your skin well protected from the sun.
Slap on that hat. Find a wide brimmed hat to give your scalp the ultimate protection from the strong UV rays coming from the scalding summer sun.
After you slip, slop, slap, jump into that water and have a blast! Below are some fun water activities to change things up.
- Pool Noodles- I know this sounds small and easy, but pool noodles made for the best water memories I have. Whether using them as floaters or blowing through them to create fountains, they're cheap, and easy, and add a lot to a water day.
- Races- Kids love to show how amazing they are at absolutely everything! Give them that boost they want or need by encouraging them to race their peers in any sort of race, backstroke, front stroke, breaststroke, you name it, it does the trick.
- Pool Ping Pong- As simple as it sounds. Just grab your ping pong rackets and balls, and play a splashing game of water ping pong.
- Scavenger Hunt- Scatter random items around the pool floor. Put on a timer and the child that comes up with the most items is a winner, duh! Goggles needed.
- Marco Polo- A golden classic of pool tag. "It" closes their eyes and yells "Marco", the other players respond with "Polo", while trying to stay away from Marco so they don't get caught. Whoever is caught, automatically becomes the next Marco, and so it goes on.
There you have it, stay protected, change it up, and have an awesome day in the water!